上海臻云翻译服务有限公司为您提供多语种、跨行业的翻译服务和口译服务微信同号。翻译英语的时候,有很多的 语句存在的缺少词语或者语句不通,原文中每一个的词转换成译文中另一个词,就是有时需要在译文中增加一些原文字面上没有的词语,这个就是增译法,有时需要把原文中显得多余的语删除掉,这样比较通顺,这个就是减译法。The of Englishthere are many without words or impassabilityconverting each word text into another word is no need to increase the number of original literal words in this is the law need to delete the redundant words in this more than this is the omission. 增译法和减译法在翻译中运用的十分广泛,一般来说,增加词和减少词是具有互逆性的就是说英译汉时需要增词的地方和汉译英时往往都需要减词,相反也是同样的道理br>The method and application of omission in is very extensivein generaladding words and words with reducing the inverse of each otherthat is to say the English Chinese of different needs of local and Chinese English usually need to reduce the word.The opposite is true.